Image of TindCord's logoTindCord

Match. Chat. Date. Be friends.

TindCord is more than just a bot. It's a cultural movement.

A image of 2 people sitting with there back at each other

Having a hard time finding friends?

We know these days it's hard to find friends, especially if you have social anxiety or if you're an introvert. TindCord is here to help you find friends on Discord with the same interests as you.

A image of 2 people making a high 5

Connect on a New Level

Dive into communities that share your passions. TindCord opens the door to discovering more, empowering you to engage in discussions, share experiences, and form genuine connections.

A image of 2 people talking while they like each other more

What if?

TindCord is designed to meet new people and make friends. It's a place where you can be yourself and find new friends matching to your interests. We do not strictly disallow dating but we do not suggest it either. We are not responsible for any consequences.

Frequently asked questions

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out to our support team.

How does it work?
You can create a /profile with your interests and stuff, and then you can start matching find other people on Discord.
How do I delete my data?
You can delete your data by using the /profile command and click on "Unregister Profile".
How can I report a user?
When utilizing the /match feature, you'll notice a prominent red button labeled "Report this User" beneath the embed.
Please click this button and follow the instructions provided to report a user.
How can I gain super likes?
To gain super likes, you can vote for TindCord here every 12 hours.
Which button does what?
  • Image of TindCord's return emojiShows you the last user you disliked when you want to change your mind.
  • Image of TindCord's dislike emojiDislikes the user and shows you the next one.
  • Image of TindCord's superlike emojiSuperlike a user and directly create a match with them.
  • Image of TindCord's like emojiLikes the user and shows you the next one.

Make new friends.
Start using our bot today.